Shelly 1L to control blinds?

  • Hello,
    I'm new to all of this and I'm trying to smarten my house up, I'haven't done anything yet, but I'm researching a lot at the moment. I live in Europe and we don't have neutrals in our house, old construction, so I wanted to use the Shelly 1L.

    Now, is it possible to use the Shelly 1L to control house blinds? The physical control of the blinds is a double wall switch (up, down). The Shelly 1L seems to have two input switches, I'm just not sure about power and the voltage the shutters use and if the Shelly can handle them.

  • Hi Leosta17,

    do you happen to know the brand / model of your roller-shutter motor? As far as I know most of them run on 230V, but you need two contacts to control them up and down. Also, there has to be a minimum of ~0,5sec diff between up and down commands and two switches (or a special roller shutter switch with down-neutral-up states (figure 1).

    Shelly 1L has two switch inputs but one output only. I guess you need Shelly 2.5 to control two outputs.


    figure 1.

    I was lucky, I bought RF controlled motors, so I ordered $0,5 433MHz transmitter and connected it to my raspberry :)

    p.s.: this is one solution, I am sure that there are other systems out there. Also sorry about the hungarian picture :)
