LocalActions not working when using Shelly as AccessPoint

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm using a brand new Shelly EM to control power consumption of oven / washing machine / boiler and avoid disconnection from the grid.

    I've read about the "Local" Actions and I was interested on them, because I haven't an internet connection at home - usually if needed, I use my smatphone hotspot..

    So I've connected for the first setup and for the firmware update the Shelly EM to my hotspot.

    After this I've started see the CHANNEL 1 (and 2) OVER POWER / UNDER POWER Actions.

    I've tried them by setting a threshold and by filling the "Url to be hit" fields with :

    http://localhost/relay/0?turn=off (when the power is over)


    http://localhost/relay/0?turn=on (when the power is under)

    and everything worked fine! Good.

    BUT: if I set the Shelly EM as HotSpot (no more as Client Node), the Local Actions suddently stop working.

    I've tried changing the ip in the GET query ( instead of localhost), and I've also tried to do a GET request in a local server, but it seems that the Shelly doesn't use at all the Local Actions when in HotSpot mode...

    Is it intentional, or a bug?

    Is there a way to fix this, and be able to use the Local Actions even if Shelly is not connected to a wifi?

