Transition cancels when a brightness change happens mid turn-on transition

  • Hi,

    I'm using Home Assistant (I guess they use the COAP API) to control my Shelly Dimmer 2 and I've noticed that when I quickly turn the light on and then change the brightness the smooth transition is canceled and the brightness abruptly changes instead of nicely fading. I'm running FW version 20210115-103951/v1.9.4@e2732e05.



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von RouNdeL (4. Februar 2021 um 18:27)

  • RouNdeL 4. Februar 2021 um 18:27

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Transition cancels when a change happens mid transition“ zu „Transition cancels when a brightness change happens mid turn-on transition“ geändert.