MQTT doc

  • Hi

    Unfortunately, Shelly released this product without udpdating the MQTT doc... so the device is not yet supported by Shelly MQTT plugin in Domoticz cause the doc is not available...

    What a shame.

  • Hi

    Unfortunately, Shelly released this product without udpdating the MQTT doc... so the device is not yet supported by Shelly MQTT plugin in Domoticz cause the doc is not available...

    What a shame.

    Which product we are talking about? Is it Shelly Duo or RGB GU10?

    Do you know following resources:

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?:

  • Sorry, yes it is the Shelly Bulb RGBW GU10 (MQTT ID is "shellycolorbulb...")

    Yes I know this ressource, but this device is not there yet... they promised that it will come soon, but still nothing