Hub Required for Smartthings?

  • I have Shelly 1 relays and absolutely love the product

    The relays connect directly to Smartthings without requiring a Hub which makes integration really simple

    Is that the same for the door/window 2 sensors?

    Will they also connect to Smartthings (without a Hub) via Shelly Cloud?

    My Alarm Interface (Konnected) uses Smartthings and it would make for simple addition for some wireless sensors if the Shelly D/W2 would also connect directly to the ST app

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von decosse (13. Februar 2021 um 09:34)

  • Generally speaking all Shellys following the same principle. Why it should be different beside the specific properties of each Shelly?

    For moere information:…y-door-window2/

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?: