Shelly 2.5 opposing relays

  • Hi,

    I’m looking to buy a 2.5 for my application - I’m wondering if there is a way to make one relay always the inverse of the other? (Seeing as there is no Shelly product that has a normally open & normally closed contact off the same relay)

    I know you can send url actions that will set relay 2 ON when 1 goes OFF and vice versa but this isn’t quite the same thing as it would still be possible to manually turn them both on/off together.


  • Hi, could you please be so kind and give us a bit more background information about your specific application? A sketch would be helpful as well.

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?:

  • Hi, it’s for my hot water control. I’m currently using two Shelly 1’s, one for hot water, one for central heating. I need a way of maintaining voltage on the three way valve when the hot water Shelly is off (I.e bypass the thermostat). Without this the valve can’t move to the central heating only position unless the hot water is on, in other words no central heating without hot water. I was hoping to replace the hot water Shelly 1 with a 2.5. My other option is to install an interposing relay driven by the current Shelly 1 but trying to avoid this if possible.

  • Since this application is also a question of safety I would recommend your (not desired) solution with a relay. It should have interlocking contacts.

    Mit der Elektrik ist das doch ganz einfach. Alles, was man sich merken muss: Rot ist Schwarz und Plus ist Minus, dann klappt‘s immer:!: Und beim Programmieren hat man auch nur Nullen und Einsen, also wie kompliziert kann das schon sein:?:

  • Sketch attached. As you can see when the HW Shelly is on the system is able to operate normally. With it off however it prevents any voltage ever reaching pin 2 of the valve which is what is need for it to move to “CH only” position. If the Shelly 2.5 does what I need I’d connect the “inverted” relay to pin 2 so that whenever it is off pin 2 becomes live.

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