Some shellies connect, some dont.

  • Whats the plural of Shelly anyway? :)

    I ordered two shelly1Ls. Picked one, wired in, managed to access AP, made some setups on web interface, like button mode, client mode wifi data. Could even control lights through web interface on, but it could not connect to my wifi. I tried entering my wifi data a few times, tried resetting with physical button, no success. Im pretty sure I did not make typos.

    After some hours I decided i give the other one a go. Replaced shelly, wired the new one, and opened shelly app, explored, and its there. i include it - it works. now, at this point i thought i faced a hardware problem with the first one, but just realized the button mode is not the one i wanted so i was looking for the shelly AP, but it was not there anymore. I made a physical button reset, joined AP, switched button mode, rejoined main wifi neteork, opened shelly app to include, and never again could i include it. it say cannot configure wifi, and thats it, at this point im at the same place as with the first shelly.

    Its even in my routers DHCP table at this point, so it shoud work.

    I faced the same problem with another shelly1 the week before. Im pretty convinced it must be either me, or my network, no way I face this much hardware issue.

    So what am I doing wrong?

    Thank you!

  • Hi!

    Thank you. Its an ASUS RT-N18U, and I already managed to have some shellies running, so its not blocked by default. It might by some address conflict, Ill try the static IP, although Im not sure I understand how can there be a conflict with DHCP on.

  • If you switch on DHCP, the IP address is assigned automatically. But you do not want this. If you connect more than one device to the router, you should switch off DHCP.

    The router should have a setting "always the same IP address on this device".

    Give each shelly a separate fixed address. This way DHCP is not used. It is important to tell the router to always give the same address to the corresponding device.

    A personal question: Can the ASUS RT-N18U switch to a backup WLAN in the meantime?

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