Hi, does anyone experience connecting UNI with 4 wires for FS200-SHT10 Soil Sensor Probe,Temperature and Humidity Sensor Probe ?
This sensor had Temperature and Humidity wire, but no indication on UNI when it is connected. Thanks
Hi, does anyone experience connecting UNI with 4 wires for FS200-SHT10 Soil Sensor Probe,Temperature and Humidity Sensor Probe ?
This sensor had Temperature and Humidity wire, but no indication on UNI when it is connected. Thanks
Try also using this device, but not work at all
[Blockierte Grafik: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61OJJirAZuL._AC_SL1500_.jpg]
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Can you help?
[Blockierte Grafik: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61ShFMDw15L._AC_SL1000_.jpg]
I use this device it works very well the shelly UNI is not good for monitoring these devices it will only work in 1 volt steps in the shelly app. you must use a separate 5 volt supply for the sensor they will blow the regulator if you put 12 volts to it. once connected you should get about 3 volts dry and 1 volt in water up to the line on the board.(for testing)