I just bought my first Shelly devices. Among these a 3EM.
I installed the shelly cloud app and got the 3EM connected to wifi and it is visible in the app under devices. I can control the relay of the device but in order to do anything else with it it tells me I need to update firmware.
When I press the "CLICK TO UPDATE" button in the app it I get an interesting dialog saying "Your device needs to update so you can use it trought the app." and I can select "YES" or "NO". If I ignore the spelling errors and the "YES" or "NO" to something that looks like a statement and press "YES" it says "SUCCESS" and "UPDATING DEVICE". After that nothing more happens. I have tried this maybe 10 times.
I discovered the generator for manual firmware update on this site which I tried as well.
In my case this got generated to…HEM-3_build.zip
The response I got was:
The firmware update section in the web UI says:
"The current Firmware version of your Shelly device is 20200130-155119/em3calibration_rebased@12279f18
No newer firmware available."
I have also tried restarting the device.
Any suggestions of what to do? Is it just broken or am I doing something wrong?
Best regards,