I'm trying to solve this use case. I have two switches. One is for a light and the other is for a fan. At the moment I have two physical switches on the wall. What I'm trying to achieve is to install Shell 1L and control SX2 (the fan) when SX1 is on (the light). I do want to remove the physical switch for the fan though so to have only the physical switch for the light on the wall. In practice when the light is on with a certain delay the fan would be on too.
At the moment I have on the wall two cables for the fan's switch and two different cables for the light switch. No neutral so this is why I'm using shelly 1L.
The easy solution of course would be to put in parallel light and fan and then connect shelly to a single switch. However I would miss the possible to introduce a configurable delay (possibly with home assistant)
what I want to have is to have sx2 piloted separately by the sx1 but not wiring anything in the sx2 because indeed I won't have any physical switch.
I'm trying to figure out the wiring. Do you have any idea?