Beiträge von joseLRD

    Obviously not everyone is on iPhones, but the HomeKit firmware is quite stable now and when connected over IP in browser it also shows you the above requested WiFi strength of the device.

    Thanks for the hint. At the moment all my Shelly & Sonoff switches/relays are driven by openHab using the MQTT binding. I should give openHab's Shelly Binding a try. I guess it's HTTP REST API based and should provide these readings.


    PS: the static IP range of the shellies should not overlap with the DHCP range, as a disconnected Shelly may never get it back from a meanwhile connected device.

    You can easily avoid any overlap by configuring the Shellies for DHCP and assigning the static IP addresses directly at the FritzBox. This way it never reuses an IP address.


    Also, if you’re using a 5GHz network you MUST name it differently, because the shellies can only connect to the 2.4GHz and fail trying to connect to the wrong network.

    My 2,4 and 5 GHz networks are called the same and have no problems so far. The Shellies obviously use 2,4 only. Is this a documented restriction?



    I have now about 15 Shellies in total (Shelly 1, Shelly 2.5 and Shelly Dimmer 2) with firmware v1.9.0 and DO NOT have the disconnect problems reported in this thread. I also have other 12 SONOFF devices (Basic, TH16, 4CH, 4CHpro, RFbridge and ZBbridge) all running stable and with the Tasmota firmware.

    In the past I did have sporadic DISCONNECT problems with the SONOFFs (Shellies were not installed yet, came later). It required several different attempts until I was able to solve the problem. The solution for me was to:

    - improve WiFi coverage by deploying Wifi repeaters (cheap, about 20EUR)
    - assigning permanent IP addresses on the FritzBox

    - implementing a simple Tasmota rule that triggered an automatic overnight reboot on every SONOFF at 4am

    I hope this hints help some of you. Unfortunately I don't know if such automatic reboot can be implemeted in the Shelly firmware. The REST API provides a facility to trigger a reboot from the home automation, but this feature is useless when connectivity is lost.

    By the way, I would be interested in automatically READING the RSSI (Wifi signal strengh) of the Shellies from the home automation system (Openhab) so that I can detect devices with a weak signal. I know REST API provides this information ( ip_addr/status/wifi_sta) but would prefer an MQTT based solution. IS THIS POSSIBLE?

    dies ist ein alter Thread, aber das Thema ist immer noch aktuell und sehr kritisch!!

    Ich könnte openHab-Rules verwenden, um die Shellies über Nacht neu zu starten, aber das funktioniert nicht, wenn die Verbindung verloren geht :(

    Tasmota-Geräte können sich über Nacht automatisch neu starten. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dies in einem Shelly-Gerät (Original-Firmware) zu tun? über Aktionen vielleicht?

    Ich denke, das wäre eine Funktion, die für die Shelly-Firmware-Entwickler relativ einfach zu implementieren wäre. Es würde die Verfügbarkeit des Geräts in Mesh-WLAN-Netzwerken drastisch erhöhen.

    Danke und VG!


    I just connected my first Shelly 2.5 and am using it to control two separate light zones in a large room. Configuration:

    - RELAY mode
    - POWER ON DEFAULT MODE: restore last
    - MANUAL SWITCH: edge

    The lights will operate primarily using the MANUAL switches. The purpose of the Shelly 2.5 is to force lights off in case the lights were left ON accidentally (e.g. midnight or over the weekend).

    My question: is it possible to read the state of the manual switches (ON or OFF) using the HTTP or MQTT APIs?

    I know I could change the POWER ON default mode to switch and MANUAL SWITCH to toggle to indirectly guess the switches state. I'm just wondering wheather the API provides this information is an easier, side-effects free, way.


    As far as I know, there is no dimming functionality in the Shelly 2.5 devices.

    Based on your description, I would think the dimming you see is done all by the LED lamp itself. I've seen lamps dimming as you describe when the switch is set on/off in several times in short intervals within a few seconds.

    Ich hatte dieses Problem früher, mit verschiedenen Ursachen, manchmal in der HW (elektrisch) andere in der Software. Alle meine Schalter sind mit N verbunden.

    Ich würde versuchen "Button Debounce" auf den höchsten Wert einzustellen. Wenn über MQTT verbunden, würde ich die "retain"-Einstellungen entfernen. Diese sind dafür bekannt, "ghost-lights" (ein-/ausschalten mitte in der Nacht) zu verursachen.

    Hi, I'm new in the Forum and hope to have selected the right options here.

    I’m looking to install my first set of LED stripes in the living room and to integrate it in our Openhab smarthome controller that already drives 2x Shelly-1 and 3x Shelly- Dimmer-2 units, all in combination with LED lamps.

    For the LED stripes I’m thinking on a Shelly RGBW2 in combination with one of the following 2 options:

    My questions:

    • Are these LED stripes supported by the Shelly RGBW2? anybody in the Forum with experience? recommended wiring?
    • Other equivalent LED stripes which are known to be supported by the Shelly?
    • Pro's and Con's of RGBW vs Tunable White

    Any hints and suggestions will be very much appreciated :)