Beiträge von ParaDogma

    I'm trying to flip a switch based on a value I'm reading from my MQTT broker in Shelly script. My starting point was the "mqtt_discovery.js" example and I actually managed to get data read.

    However, the data from the broker (mosqitto) is a JSON string - and that's where my problems start. While I managed to parse manually created JSON strings using JSON.parse(), I keep getting "Uncaught SyntaxError: Expecting a valid value, got EOF".

    Could anybody please help me wrangle the (malformed?) JSON string?


    Value in MQTT:

    • plain: {"value": 193.2}
    • string from Debug Log: "{\"value\": 193.2}"

    Weird effect - if I use JSON.stringify() on the value, I get:

    • plain: "{\"value\": 193.2}"
    • string from Debug Log: "\"{\\\"value\\\": 187.6}\""

    Error in debug log:

    < {"ts":1700520635.55< {"ts":1700520985.856, "level":2, "data":"shelly_scripts_rpc.:348 Sending \"script_1.js\""}
    < {"ts":1700520985.869, "level":-1, "data":""}
    < {"ts":1700520985.888, "level":-1, "data":"Uncaught SyntaxError: Expecting a valid value, got EOF"}
    < {"ts":1700520985.891, "level":-1, "data":" at line 1 col 1"}
    < {"ts":1700520985.892, "level":-1, "data":""}
    < {"ts":1700520985.894, "level":-1, "data":"^"}
    < {"ts":1700520985.898, "level":-1, "data":"in function called from system"}
    < {"ts":1700520985.899, "level":-1, "data":""}
    < {"ts":1700520985.905, "level":1, "data":"shelly_user_script.:397 syntax_error: Error in EjsCall"}
    < {"ts":1700520985.935, "level":2, "data":"shelly_notification:163 Status change of script:1: {\"id\":1,\"errors\":[\"syntax_error\"],\"running\":false}"}

    Gestern habe ich meinen Shelly BLU Button1 in Betrieb genommen, die aktuelle Firmware via OTA geflasht (über die Debug App). Heute morgen wollte ich den Button dann mit meinem Home Assistant koppeln (via BTHome) und dafür vorher die Verschlüsselung aktivieren. Zu meiner Überraschung weigert sich die Debug App aber mit der Fehlermeldung:


    Device not Shelly

    The device does not appear to be a Shelly device.

    Beim Ausprobieren stellte sich heraus, dass diese Fehlermeldung _immer_ kommt, egal welche Option.

    Könnt ihr mir weiterhelfen?