The Shelly UNI shows (via MQTT) DS18B20 temperature sensor 64-bit hardware IDs ("hwID") like this: 28e60376e0013c74, 28f91176e0013cf4, 2861a676e0013cfa, 28765576e0013ccc, 28567976e0013ca3.
Here's an example line from an MQTT subscription: {"0":{"hwID":"28f91176e0013cf4","tC":24.6}}
Given that the least significant (rightmost) byte is supposed to be the device type (which should be identical for all sensors) and the most significant byte (leftmost) byte is supposed to be the CRC (which will likely differ between devices), I think the Shelly UNI firmware is generating these hardware IDs in reverse byte order. The last byte should be the first byte, etc. (Reference:
Tasmota software flashed on the same UNI only shows the middle 48-bits of the 64-bit ID, and it shows those bytes in the opposite byte order: 3C01E07603E6, 3C01E07611F9, 3C01E076A661, 3C01E0765576, 3C01E0767956 These five sensors have IDs that differ only in the last, least-significant 16 bits using Tasmota byte order. Using stock Shelly UNI byte order, the IDs differ all over the place -- another clue that the order of the "hwID" bytes is reversed by the stock Shelly UNI firmware.
See also: