Beiträge von nmatzke

    I found that the MQTT command status_update on topic <topic_prefix>/command/switch:0 triggers a switch action as undesired side-effect. Besides publishing its current status, the switch turns off immediately.
    Therefore a cannot use the command for periodically triggering status/power measurement updates.
    To me it looks like a firmware bug -- but don't know where to report, so using this forum.

    This is detailed device info:
    "id": "shellyplus1pm-b0b21c1a6c78"

    "mac": "B0B21C1A6C78",

    "slot": 0,

    "key": "xxxxxxxxxx",

    "batch": "2307-Broadwell",

    "fw_sbits": "04",

    "model": "SNSW-001P16EU",

    "gen": 2,

    "fw_id": "20230803-125304/1.0.0-gaec0744",

    "ver": "1.0.0",

    "app": "Plus1PM",

    "auth_en": true,

    See also attached screenshot in case it's not clear what I have tried.

    Best regards,