ich habs mir fast gedacht, danke Euch!
Denke dann schicke ich den Kram wieder zurück. Habe vorhin gesehen, dass sich das KLF 200 direkt in FHEM integrieren lässt und man dann auch Prozentgenau den Rolladen steuern kann, dass sogar mit vielen verschiedenen Rolladen anstatt je eine Bastellösung je Rolladen.
Unterm Strich ist das dann die günstigste Variante
Beiträge von cpohle
Ein Update:
Das alles funktioniert so wie in #1 dargestellt (aber nur so halb).
Da der KLF 50 auch auf Stromstoßschaltung reagiert, habe ich die "Auto-Aus"-Zeit des Shelly auf 0,5 Sekunden eingestellt. Dann wirkt der Shelly selbst wie ein Taster...
Hoch- und Runterfahren ist sowohl per Taster als auch per App kein Problem.
Eines ist allerdings noch blöd:
Velux hat das Ganze so programmiert, dass der Rollladen stehen bleibt, wenn am KLF 50 die sowohl "Auf" als auch "Ab" mit "C" verbunden werden.Der entsprechende Funk-Schalter von Velux hat auch 3 Tasten (Auf, Ab, Stopp).
Der Shelly schaltet in Roller-Shutter-Modus keinesfalls "Auf" und "Ab" gleichzeitig.
Ein Workaround wäre:
Shelly 2.5 nicht im Roller-Shutter-Modus, sondern als Aktor für 2 Geräte verwenden.
Beide wieder auf "Auto-Aus" nach 0,5 Sekunden schalten.
Dann kann ich auch beide zeitgleich einschalten, was den Rollo stoppt.ABER bei dieser Lösung habe ich keine "Rollladen-Funktionalität" beim Shelly.
Die Einbindung in ein großes ioBroker-System kommt dann wohl Mitte/Ende des Jahres, ich weiß nicht, ob das dann noch einmal zum Problem werden könnte.
Hat jemand eine bessere Idee?Moin,
ich grabe diesen Thead mal aus, weil ich bei mir aktuell etwas ähnliches vorhabe. Im Büro werden 2 neue Velux Dachfenster mit elektrischem Rolladen installiert (Stromversorgung via Solar). Ich habe mir jetzt schon mal 2 Shelly 2.5 und 2 KLF 050 bestellt.
Verstehe ich das nun richtig, dass ich den Shelly 2.5 nicht direkt an den KLF 050 anschließen kann, weil dessen Eingänge (für auf und zu) potentialfrei zu schalten sind? Das kann der Shelly 2.5 in keinem Modus, oder?
Danke und GrüßeChristian
awesome! This really is 5 star premium support! Thanks a lot...
I have tested whole morning now and it seems to be fixed for me as well! ?
But I will keep testing and revert back. Thanks for the support!!
I will not argue that this flickering is maybe related to ripple signal. I also heard that there are regions where they really often send those signals and not always at the same time.
But what I don’t understand, when this is really the reason, why isn’t this happening with an Eltaco Dimmer in my kitchen? There everything is fine, no flickering, it doesn’t matter if dimmed or set to 100%.
here are my settings. I also made a Video on "how flickering does look like".
- Dimmer 2 firmware Version: 1.8.0
- 2 E14 LED Bulbs with 6 Watt (470 Lumen) each, dimmable (also tested Halogen bulbs)
- Trailing Edge calibrated
- Dimmer is set to 100%. Flickering does happen independent from what the dimmer is set. 70%, 80%, 100%... flickering does always happen!
- L and N are both connected. I have installed the Dimmer into a "shelly button" like described here: klick
- Flickering can happen 4-5 times every 1 minute and then it is ok for 15-20 minutes. but sometimes it is flickering every 30 seconds 3-4 times. Total randomly. What I noticed is, that flickering only happens after X minutes the dimmer was switched on. So the first 10 minutes or so it is working fine. I have uploaded a video so you can see how it looks like... klick
It is really flickering heavily.. looks more like some dropouts or something like this.. like bulbs are being switched of and on again for a few milliseconds..Regarding specs of the bulbs I use please see images attached. But again, it also happens with normal "non LED" bulbs so I don't think that bulbs are playing any role here...
Thanks a lot and let me know if you need additional infos...
So this hardware costs just approx 20 bucks and I don’t want to blame anyone.
But this kind of issues are really annoying!
Let me share answer from Shelly support. To be honest I don’t think that this is the reason..
ZitatDear Sir/Madam,
This sporadic flickering is coming from the ripple signal in Germany. On some places is really hard and it is bothering our devices, in other places is not so big and there is no problem.
It seems that you are facing such a problem. At the moment, there is no solution for that. You can try with our By-Pass once when we release it, because it will work like a filter.
Thank you for your time!
Kind regards,
Shelly Support Team -
Line interactive..
Well issue was there in older firmware versions so no one can tell that it’s a „non existing issue“. Let’s see how it goes.
I have an eltaco dimmer in my kitchen an this one isn’t flickering at all
This is what I already did. Have a UPS in my basement. And AGAIN flickering is still present!!!
And for me it’s not flickering ones per hour or so. It’s happening sporadically every 3-4 minutes for 5 seconds and then it could be fine again for 20 minutes... just random
I haven’t heard anything from support since a few days... don’t know if it’s a good sign
Just as a site note:
FW 1.7.6 für Shelly Dimmer2 16.07.2020
Problem was there already in older firmware versions. So it seems that it’s still not fixed yet. Strange, that we here got told that this isn’t caused by the dimmer....
I would expect that there are no drops or spikes when connected to a UPS right? But flickering was also happening when connected to UPS.
If not can you share how you measured this?
I have also bought Halogen Lamps today for testing and I can confirm that the Flickering is also happening with halogen lamps as well!
I created a support case on Shelly.cloud
Will keep this post updated once they revert back..
Can please Someone from Shelly have a look now? This is really annoying. And I don’t want to buy 10 different LED Bulbs now just to notice that the issue still persists...
We have now checked:
Its not the Bulbs as Halogen is infected as well
It’s not the Powerline because issue is also present when connected to a UPS
It’s flashing one time 3-4 times every 5 minuets and then fine for 30 minutes without any issue
It happens when dimmed or when set to 100%
it’s not happening with Shelly dimmer 1
So PLEASE, can someone from Development or customer Service can have a look? Can this case be escalted?
I could also not imagine that this is „bulb related“. He was saying that he has this issue also with Halogen bulbs...
I do not remember I ever read something about dimmer problems in relation with halogen.
Are you really sure that this related to the bulbs? Some here are writing that they have issues with „non led“ bulbs as well...
Can you recommend bulbs? Maybe the ikea once?
Do you have deatisl like producer, name ?
So i can write it in our list of compatible lights.
sure! Its manufactured for REWE-Zentral and I bought in Toom Baumarkt in Germany.
I attached 2 pictures of front and back!
So regarding this flickering issue. Is there an idea why this is happening? Can it be fixed via software? Or is it related to Bulbs?
I have the same problem with dimmer 2. I have 2 dimmable E14 LEDs connected with 470 lumen each.
The lamp is now connected to a UPS and still the flickering is happening. So its not power related...
Dimmer is set to 100% and N is connected!