Have your shelly button1 power via usb when you downgrade?
I did! Good thinking, I didn't consider that. I will try tonight without USB power to see if that makes a difference.
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Have your shelly button1 power via usb when you downgrade?
I did! Good thinking, I didn't consider that. I will try tonight without USB power to see if that makes a difference.
I want to downgrade the firmware on my Shelly Button1. But when I enter the url:
I get
And then crickets! Nothing happens whatsoever, also for other versions. I'm trying to downgrade the firmware because Shelly Support suggested I tried that. So far I'm pretty disappointed in the Shelly Button.
have you tried using unicast instead?
Yeah unfortunately that doesn't help.
It's fixed for now. Shelly support send a video on how to unstuck it. Which involved pressing it in all directions till it flips and then let it bounce back.
Beside the hardware defect ( Button1 is stuck when pressed ) the Button 1 has a problem with sending CoAP messages on battery.
I did a TCPdump on my network and the following is happening.
When on external power and pressing the button, the Button1 works. I sends the following packet:
E..............D.....3.3..m3P....cit.s... SHBTN-2#98CDAC2C269C#2.C......{"G":[[0,9103,0],[0,2102,"S"],[0,2103,31],[0,3115,0],[0,3112,1],[0,3111,100],[0,9102,["ext_power"]]]}
When I unplug the usb power and try immediately it will still work. It sends 2 packets when pressing the button once.
E..............D.....3.3....P....cit.s... SHBTN-2#98CDAC2C269C#2.C......{"G":[[0,9103,0],[0,2102,"S"],[0,2103,41],[0,3115,0],[0,3112,0],[0,3111,100],[0,9102,["button"]]]}
E.... .........D.....3.3....P....cit.s... SHBTN-2#98CDAC2C269C#2.C......{"G":[[0,9103,0],[0,2102,"S"],[0,2103,41],[0,3115,0],[0,3112,0],[0,3111,100],[0,9102,["button"]]]}
Then when I let it sleep and press the button it will start flashing as usual and turn green. But nothing happens on the network. It won't sent any CoAP message out. I can reach the webpage so it's connected to WIFI but it refuses to send the CoAP messages.
I'm using the latest fIrmware 20211109-125924/v1.11.7-g682a0db
Anyone else has this problem?
I just received my Shelly Button1 last week. The button is stuck. When I press it, it doesn't bounce back but keeps pressed. I have to tap it to release it. Anyone else has these problem?