OK, I did resolve my problem. It seemed that the device didn't have an internet connection for some reason. The way how I fixed that was to hardcode gateway and DNS to my router's address. I earlier tried for DNS but that didn't work. But now, when I tried to change both to (my router), it worked.
Beiträge von kotrfa
I cannot update via WebUI, it says "No firmware available", specifically this:
CodeThe current Firmware version of your Shelly device is 20190822-083406/master@4148d2b7 No newer firmware available.
And the following is from the `/settings` endpoint.
Alles anzeigen"build_info": { "build_id": "20190822-083406/master@4148d2b7", "build_timestamp": "2019-08-22T08:34:06Z", "build_version": "1.0" }, "cloud": { "connected": false, "enabled": true }, "coiot_execute_enable": false, "dcpower": 1, "device": { "hostname": "shellyrgbw2-4A2EA0", "mac": "BCFF4D4A2EA0", "num_outputs": 4, "type": "SHRGBW2" }, "fw": "20190822-083406/master@4148d2b7", "hwinfo": { "batch_id": 1, "hw_revision": "prod-190822" },
`/debug/log` and `/debug/log1` are "Not found"
I bought Shelly RGBW2 and wired it successfully. I was also able to add it to my network via the Shelly Android app and can access it locally via the local IP it got. I can control individual channels from within there fine. But:
1. I cannot connect it to the cloud. When I try it during adding the device, it just shows "Connecting" and later time outs telling me "check the device is powered connection". When I do it via WebUI, it shows up in https://home.shelly.cloud/#/room/3, but is just "Offline" (although I can control it OK locally). I have no weird router settings what so ever, everything worked fine in the past.
2. Secondly, I really cannot control it from the app - it tells "Unsupported firmware version - master. Please update your device. But when I click on "Update", it tells me "Something went wrong" (totally useless error message btw.). I checked the forum and found out that it might be because of cloud not being connected, but see the above, I cannot connect it .
I did try factory resetting the device, or adding a static IP and gateway address Issues Integration in the App Shelly Cloud . All the same.
Anyone knows how to solve that, please?