Beiträge von ezcGman

    Hey there,

    I was wondering if it's possible to read the broken out GPIOs of the Shelly Plus1PM, while it's connected to AC mains. I know for the non plus-series, you could not use the GPIOs, as they didn't have a galvanic separation and my ESP would have gone *poof :)

    But for the Plus series, I have not yet seen these warning (e.g. on the ESPHome website), so my first question is:

    Can I connect sth (e.g. an ESP8266) to the broken out GPIOs of the Plus 1PM, while it's connected to AC mains?

    If so, the next obvious question is:

    Is there any way I could read the current power consumption via the two broken out IOs, or the broken out serial interface? I couldn't find any docs on it sadly, only on the JSONRPC interface...

    I'm trying to operate the Plus 1PM in our apartments basement with no Wi-Fi available or ever establishable (is that even a word)?

    But LoRa actually works down there, so I would love to monitor our washing machine with the Plus 1PM and send a message via LoRa when it's finished :)

    Thanks for the replies and greetings,
