Auch der Dimmer 1 hat diese Funktion.
Hach je. Das passt jetzt leider nicht ins Bild. Mein Dimmer 1 hat kein Problem mit der Verzögerung. Einzige Erkläreung wäre dann, dass die Doppelklick Zeitspanne da kürzer eingestellt oder anders programmiert ist.
Hier jedenfalls mal ein Update meiner Unterhaltung mit dem Support (es ist zum Verzweifeln):
Ich: (...) Meanwhile, someone on the shelly-support forum pointed out to me that the dimmer 2 has an undocumented "feature" that sets the light to 100% if you double-press the button. If this is so, it seems pretty clear to me where the delay is coming from: the device has to wait for a certain time span to see if the button is pressed a second time. During that waiting period, nothing happens, obviously. So, in order to get rid of the delay, the double-press function needs to be turned disabled. Could you provide an setting to turn off double-press in the next firmware update?
Shelly Support: Thank you for your feedback.
The information which you provided is really interesting. We were not thinking from this side. We will try to reproduce it and also try to minimize the time where it needs to register the double press in order to avoid having that delay.
Also, feature is not exactly double press. On one button mode or dual button mode, in order to turn on the lights on 100% you will need just too short press the button. That means when you press and hold the button in order to start dimming from 0%->100% you actually doing a long press.
We will try in our test devices to lower the long press duration to check if the problem will be solved and will reach you back.
Eine halbe Stunde später:
Shelly Support: After communicating with our developers they gave us information that the Long push duration is not possible to be changed, it is fixed at 800ms.
They told us also that "fade rate" settings are for - Can you please enter WebUI of your device and increase it to 5 and advise us if there is any difference.
fade_rate | number | Brightness change speed when button is pressed: 1..5 |
Ich: The long press duration is irrelevant for the current issue. What I wrote about was double press not long press.
Does the shelly dimmer 2 have a built in action for double press? If so, this is very likely what is causing the issue and it could easily be resolved my making the double press action optional.
As mentioned earlier, the fade rade does not affect the delay which occurs before the fading even starts.
Ein paar Stunden später:
Ich: I just noticed that there were two replies from your side. I didn't see the first one when answering to the second one.
If I understand you correctly, the information I got from a user on the shelly support forum is wrong: there is no double press feature, right?
In that case, I don't know what is causing the delay. But since the developers mention that the long press duration needs to be 800 ms, maybe the problem has to do with how the long press feature is implemented. Because there is absolutely no reason why the long press duration should cause a delay after a short press. Whenever the button is released after a short time, it is clear that this is not a long press and so there is no need for the dimmer to wait for anything. It can just turn the light on.
Could it be that the dimmer is programmed to wait 800 ms regardless of whether the button has been released after 100ms or not? In that case, you just need to change that and make it so that the dimmer only waits as long as the button is pressed.
Shelly support: We were wrong about the 2 press and instantly dimming at 100%, the customer was right, we thought the feature was removed but we didn't test it correctly. Please accept our apologies.
In regards to the main issue with the delay.
After further discussing with our team and additional testing of the Dimmer with several types of bulbs we asked you about the Fade rate, because the Dimmer when it is on OFF state and you start dimming it to 100% to start from 0% 1% 2% 3% ... 100% - the thing is that the Bulb which we tested are different and when we manually dim the light from webUI some of them are not lidded at the range of 1%- 5% or 6% and the issue with the Dimming through the switch is going though this percentage.
Can you please check your bulbs at 1% 2% ... until you see the light come up. That is explaining the problem which many customers facing.
Ich: Thanks for the update. But I think there is still a missunderstanding. The 2-press function is the main problem. The delay occurs because the dimmer has to wait for some time to see if a second press occurs. Please add an option to turn the double press feature off and I am optimistic that the problem with the delay will be gone.
I might also mention that for me, there is no noticable difference between single press and double press. In both cases there is delay of about 1 second before the lights turn on.
I don't understand why you keep talking about the bulbs. As I mentioned many times now: the bulbs turn on immediately when I press the button in the shelly app. Isn't this enough evidence that that the problem cannot be in the bulbs but must be in how the dimmer reacts to the hardware button being pressed. It clearly reacts differently to a button press in the app and a physical button press.
Anyway: in case it helps your investigation, I did check at what point the bulb visibly turns on and it is at 5%. I'm sorry but this explains nothing.
So please, let us try turning off the 2-press function.
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