Suggest you open a support ticket. They're very reasonable and responsive. Just keep in mind that they're working out of the EU (Bulgaria, perhaps?) so if you're in the States like me you'll typically get replies overnight. Nice to wake up to.
Regarding my two original units, I finally got the third one to pair long enough to get it in to client mode, but the fourth I had to get warranty replaced (which is done with a coupon code for the store -- you get to keep the broken unit(s)).
Fast forward to last week -- this probably deserves a thread of its own. Received 8 more plugs. I'll preface all this by saying that I typicall work in a Mac ecosystem (desktop/laptop/tablet/phone). So I unbox all 8 of these units and NONE of them will pair. Same bahavior as before: see, the AP but when try to connect the plug freezes up. I try my desktop, laptop, iPad, phone....nothing mac works.
At this point I'm pretty sure that all 8 units aren't defective, so I boot up a RPi4 running Linux, configure WiFi and right away I get an address, connect to it with the RPi and configure for client mode. So, something mac is doing with WiFi is incompatible with the plugs? Because I've configured many other models of Shellies (1, 1P, 2.5, EM, RGB2, DW2, i3) with my Macs and NEVER had this issue. For me, this is entirely unique to the shellyplugus1.
I continue with the other shellyplugs and I eventyally get 6 out of 8 confugured. Of the remaining 5 I configured with LInux it often took multiple power cycles before I could associate with the AP long enough to configure for client mode, so while LInux eventually got the job done it wasn't problem-free.
Two of the 8 new ones failed. With these units, 90% of the time you'll get a brief red/blue blip at power on and then either no LED or LED will blink blue for a bit and go solid blue -- at which point they're wedged. I contacted support, provided them a video of my troubleshooting, and got a coupon code for two replacements the next day..
I do not think that Allterco Robotics is the OEM for the shellyplugus units in the same way they are for other shellies I've purchased. I've seen pictures of a unit that's the spitting image of a shellyplugus but is not Shelly branded. The lack of convenient headers is another indication that these may not be Allterco OEM -- but just guessing.
I did take one of the broken ones apart and if you desolder the hot and neutral plugs, on the back by where the board with the ESP8266 attaches there are two solder pads labelled TX and RX. I was going to see if I could re-flash these units, but none of the other pins are labelled, so I don't know which pin GPIO0 is (have to ground it momentarily as part of the flashing procedure). I'm going to try using the button to see if maybe that's linked to GPIO0. Otherwise it's trial and error. Will post if I come up with anything. Even if I do it's kind of a pain getting to the non-component side of the board.