Beiträge von idavid


    I have two of shelly devices, an EM and an i3. The i3 is working well.

    The EM has same wifi configuration as the i3:

    Wifi Client and backup configured with static ipi. The EM can't connect to both of wifi, if it can, the connection is gonna be lost in 3-4 minutes. In the short live connection the device response time is very long (40-60 seconds). This is really useless and I'm frustrating due to that. This is not a cheap stuff. More info: In access point mode, the device is often unreachable. If it is, the response time very long also.

    So reproduction step:

    1. Connect to the shelly em via AP mode
    2. Set wifi Client mode and Backup
    3. The device connected to the wifi
    4. Device admin is unreachable directly on local IP
    5. I call the endpoint /settings/cloud?enabled=0
    6. The admin just got reachable
    7. Call endpoint /status and there is no reponse, the request timed out
    8. Other endpoints is working well, only the status not
    9. After several failed status endpoint caling, all other endpoints is getting down.

    Admin is often reachable but there is no response for any API endpoint eg, status, relay etc..

    If I wanna get a response from endpoint the Shelly EM is getting frozen and lost the connection. I guess the root cause can be same as what causes the slow responses.

    What you think guys, can I do something or this is a malfunctioned device