Beiträge von Gussoh

    I just installed a Shelly Plug S and had the same issue with that. After setting the IP statically it works. I guess I'll have them all statically configured. That is fine.

    My next task is to figure out what the URL to control the plug is to have it turned on or off depending on how much power is used by the 3EM. But that's not for this thread.

    Thank you for the help!

    Great Seven of Nine!

    Thanks. Just putting it on a web server was the easy choice and worked straight away. I still don't understand why it doesn't have internet. It wasn't solved by the update.


    It just says the wifi SSID and masked password and a checkbox for setting static IP.

    Is it supposed to say something more if it is working?

    I masked the SSID and the password length as it is a public forum.


    I just bought my first Shelly devices. Among these a 3EM.

    I installed the shelly cloud app and got the 3EM connected to wifi and it is visible in the app under devices. I can control the relay of the device but in order to do anything else with it it tells me I need to update firmware.

    When I press the "CLICK TO UPDATE" button in the app it I get an interesting dialog saying "Your device needs to update so you can use it trought the app." and I can select "YES" or "NO". If I ignore the spelling errors and the "YES" or "NO" to something that looks like a statement and press "YES" it says "SUCCESS" and "UPDATING DEVICE". After that nothing more happens. I have tried this maybe 10 times.

    I discovered the generator for manual firmware update on this site which I tried as well.

    In my case this got generated to…

    The response I got was:


    The firmware update section in the web UI says:

    "The current Firmware version of your Shelly device is 20200130-155119/em3calibration_rebased@12279f18

    No newer firmware available."

    I have also tried restarting the device.

    Any suggestions of what to do? Is it just broken or am I doing something wrong?

    Best regards,
