-67 / -71
II have tried with another router of 2.4 more distant and it seems not to give problem.
I guess you already are on this firmware level on the Asus ? https://www.asus.com/Networking-IoT…/HelpDesk_BIOS/
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Euer Shelly DACH Team
-67 / -71
II have tried with another router of 2.4 more distant and it seems not to give problem.
I guess you already are on this firmware level on the Asus ? https://www.asus.com/Networking-IoT…/HelpDesk_BIOS/
Tested it with latest firmware and it currently supports 5 DS18B20 sensors. ( DS18b20 emulator via arduino nano )
Hi ! Go to settings - DEVICE INFO and check WIFI RSSI value when its connected.
If this value is higher than -80 dBm you might need to improve wifi coverage by adjusting your router or in any other way make the signal better.
The 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz will never overlap so that should not be a problem.
You should really have an electrician doing this !!! Based on the input you can probably get this working with a shelly dimmer ( if total load is > 10 watt ).
Probably got another ip allocated from DHCP. If you have access to router/dhcp server you should be able to locate it. If you did factory reset the Shelly will be in local WIFI mode - you will need to configure it from scratch again.
In theory you could get it to work but the circuit gives back a pulse (indication of proximity ) that is extremly short (150 us- 25 msec ) and you need to measure it to get the distance - with current firmware of the UNI you can't do this in an accurate way. A solution could be to do the measurement via arduino and send the result to to UNI via analog signal - maybe not the easiest solution
Another solution could be to get a module that gives a constant analog output based on proximity.
Hi ! I have done the same thing first using the Shelly 1 but I replaced with a UNI to get ADC input so I can also detect when garage door is down/up or in an error state. I have no problem with the UNI internal relays triggering the garage door.
My garage door opener have an external connector:
1 - GND
3 - 24 V DC max. 50ma
Uni relay is connected between 1 & 2. Uni power is connected to 1 and 3.
Have you tried to measure voltage when UNI is in closed position on the garage input ? Whats the closed current on the circuit ?
Hi ! I have worked with these sensors ( DHT22 ) for several years mostly on arduino projects and it seems that its just by nature that the DHT22 will lockup. Sometimes it can work for weeks without any problems. I have fixed with depowering the shelly by using a smartsocket and nodered but if anyone have a better solution please let us know. If you have a spare relay probably could try to depower the DHT22 but then again I am not sure if the shelly would recover when loosing it the first time.
Hi ! I have succesfully got the UNI integrated with my garage door opener. I had a problem getting a low signal on the sensor input from my wiring to the garage controller - voltage fluctuated in closed position between 0.6-1.7 volt ). Solution was to use the ADC input and some coding in NodeRED - very flexible this little UNI.
I am now going to replace my old arduino home ventilation controller with 2 UNI's and have some question for wiring.
1. Are the GND_SENSOR and GND the same ?
2. I am planing to drive the 4 pcs 5 volt relays that draws 10-15 mA using the VCC_SENSOR 3.3 volt. Does anyone know how much (mA) you can draw from the VCC_SENSOR ? ( Only one relay will be active at any time ).