Beiträge von rboldori


    It seems you expect to have the total power consuption available through the Shelly 4 PRO PM web server. I fear this means extending the web server functionality and my understanding it is not possible at the moment.

    Maybe someone from Shelly could confirm.

    Hi All,

    I am writing a script for the Shelly 4 PRO PM that is expected to collect status of each single switch and sum the voltage of the four switch.

    When I try to get the status of a switch I noticed that:
    a) the javascript steps are executed in a sequence I didn't expect (I expected steps 1, 2, 3 while they are executed as 1, 3, 2);

    b) the status of the Shelly is only available within the scope of the callback function, and cannot be assigned to a binding outside the environment of the function, while I expected that the callback to be able to access the global scope. In other words: the parameter r cannot be assigned to r2.

    Can someone explain the reason of the two issues? How can I use the result of the callback outside of the

    Please find below the code and the colole output.




    let r2 = {temp:0, volt: 0};

    let userdata2 = null;

    print("Step 1 - r2:", JSON.stringify(r2));

    let risultato ="Switch.GetStatus",

    {"id": 0},

    function (r, error_code, error_message, userdata1)



    r2.temp = r.temperature.tC;

    r2.volt = r.voltage;

    print("Step 2 - r2:",JSON.stringify(r2));

    return r;



    print("Step 3 - r2", JSON.stringify(r2));



    Step 1 - r2: {"volt":0,"temp":0} 17:04:39.523

    Step 3 - r2 {"volt":0,"temp":0} 17:04:39.534

    r: {"temperature":{"tF":84.600000,"tC":29.200000},"aenergy":{"minute_ts":0,"by_minute":[0.131000,0,0],"total":0},"pf":0,"current":0,"voltage":234.200000,"apower":0,"output":false,"source":"init","id":0} 17:04:39.616

    Step 2 - r2: {"volt":234.200000,"temp":29.200000}


    I am exeprienceing the same issue reported by vlado_nemo: I can connect to Shlly 1PM when using its own WiFi (Shelly-xxxxx), as soon as it is ocnfigured in client mode it desappear and it cannot connect to the local WiFi 2.4GHz.

    The device has a 20190329-09091 firmware that I am not able to upgrade as the Shelly 1PM cannot be connected to interenet.

    How can I troubleshoot this issue? Is there a way to check why the Shelly 1PM is not connecting to the local WiFi.
