Beiträge von Fjarding

    True, would work during summer. But during winter I need it to be on until at least 9AM so it would still be the same routine with changing the setup 2-4 times a year. I'm living in Sweden so the difference between the summer and winter daylight is huge! This is the major reason I wanted to automate the lighting... apart for the fun of it of course ;)

    Have successfully been using two Shelly 1 for half a year controlling my outdoor lighting. Switch on at sunset, off at midnight and on again at 5 AM and off at sunrise. This works well during winter, but now when sunrise happens before 5AM, it will stay on during the whole day. So, I'm lacking some kind of a conditional "on". Now I need to make a new setup 2-4 times a year. Not a great burden but could be better...

    So, do I need to manage this manually or is there another way? I have no intention of setting up another device as a controller. Not suffering from this that much :)