I did some trouble shooting today and replaced the 2 x 4,5W bulbs with 2 x 10W led bulbs and removed the bypass (since the power is now 20W total). The flickering stopped when switch is off, but now the led bulbs are slightly illuminated - enough to see in daylight. Then I added the bypass and system is now operating as expected. So it took total of 40W to fix the issue. Weird.
Beiträge von JanneL
There has been lot of problems with flickering led bulbs when Shelly 1L has been used with bypass. Quite many users have same issues as seen here Shelly 1L flickering LED bulbs
In my case I'm using Shelly 1L to control two led bulb (Airam GU10 4,5W) and I got bypass installed. When the switch is turned on, no problems but when the switch is turned off, there is visible pale flickering from the bulbs. Bypass should solve this issue, but in my case it doesn't. If the bulbs are the issue, please guide me to the right direction to what bulb are known to work in this scenario, thanks
Firmware: 20210429-100426/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7
Same problem here. 1 switch controlling two led bulb with bypass. I'm using Airam GU10 4,5W bulbs. Issue that I'm getting is that when Shelly is off, the bulb are flickering with low brightness.
If it is the bulb, please guide me to the right direction to what bulb are known to work in this scenario, thanks
What type of led bulb did you used that are not flickering? I have same flickering problem with one switch 2 x bulb with bypass installed. I use 2 x Airam Pro Led 4,5W GU10 cool white