No, still the same. Does not work.
The link works if put in the browser but not shelly
Do I need to configure something in the target sheely "" ?
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No, still the same. Does not work.
The link works if put in the browser but not shelly
Do I need to configure something in the target sheely "" ?
I have a problem here that I'm not able to solve.
I have installed a Shelly 1 in a gate, it works perfectly.
I decided to install a Shelly i3 and have configured 2 pushbutton inputs.
I configured the action with "", in Shelly i3.
If putting the link in the browser works perfectly, but I can't put it to trigger the Shelly 1.
What am I missing?
Same issue here ... any solutions found for now?
Yes I've read many of them and I can't resolve the situation...
I've gone around Shelly's and Unifi's settings and I can't find a way to work.
Someone with problems connecting with the Ubiquiti U6-Lite (WIFI 6)?, I only have the 2.4Ghz range active, already set fixed ip's and tried it via DHCP and I can't connect.
Tested with Shelly 2.5 and Dimmer 2, EM...
Shelly 2.5 "Current version: 20210429-100559/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7"
Shelly Dim2 "Current version: 20210429-102101/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7"
U6-Lite Version 5.43.23
After switching the wifi network to "ubiquiti" seems that Shelly returns to the default settings, I turn on his wi-fi network and access with the source IP to configure again.
With connection to the operator's router, it works at 100%.
Any suggestion?