Beiträge von Georges44

    I read the total energy with a linux shell script :

    E=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"id":1, "method":"Shelly.GetStatus"}' | jq -M . | grep total | sed s/^.*\ // | sed s/,//)

    And I store that value on a local server.

    Last night, I get a grid failure, and then I was surprised becaus the total energy value was reset to 0. I had understand the this value was stored in cas of power fail. Did I miss something ?

    I just installed a shelly 2.5 in a case witch include 2 electrical plug, and I am surprised by the temperature value given by the bash command

    "curl -s --location --request GET'/status' | jq"

    it is from 61 celsius to 83 !! is that a possible value or is it anything ? :cursing: By hand, it is warm, but no problem to touch with a finger, and the parameter overtemperature is false.