Beiträge von rmblr

    Update: So disabling GTK rekeying in the SSID/network settings has changed the situation, but not fixed it.

    Now the affected shelly's are only connecting to the old AP-AC lite unit, which is not good because they have less than 20% (-83dBM) signal. Back last week when they connected to the U6-Lite they had >90% -46dBm signal.

    When I turn off the AC-lite to force the Shellys to connect to the U6, they appear to connect (according to the Unifi controller UI), but are not accessible at their ip address and don't respond to pings.

    Shelly FW: 20210909-145300/v1.11.4-DNSfix-ge6b2f6d

    U6-Lite FW: 5.60.9

    UAP-Lite: 5.43.43


    I am experiencing this problem with the Shelly RGBW2.

    Devices connected to an old unifi AP-AC-lite work fine, but those connected to the U6 lite do not work.

    The installed firmware is 20210909-145300/v1.11.4-DNSfix-ge6b2f6d. Does this firmware have the above fixes?

    Edit: Oh I see the above firmware version is for the Unifi APs. My U6-Lite AP is on version, so it should have this fix :/

    Ugh. Frustrating.


    I am not sure if I should open a new thread since this one is marked as resolved.

    But I am having exactly the same issue.

    I have 4 shellyrgbw2 devices.

    The only one that is still working is on firmware 20210909-145300/v1.11.4-DNSfix-ge6b2f6d

    The three that are not working are running


    They were all working fine for some weeks (they were installed about a month ago).

    The symptoms are:

    * Works fine in AP mode

    * Does not work in wifi client mode

    * From the Unifi Controller I can see the devices are connected, but without an IP address.

    Measures taken:

    * Restarted all network gear

    * Ensured DHCP Server has free ips in its pool.

    * To rule out DHCP issues I configured one device to connect with a static IP. In this case the device connects to my AP but does not respond to pings or http requests.

    * Ensured wifi SSID network is configured according to the many instructions here on the forum (pretty much all settings disabled)

    Should I try an ota upgrade by running an http server on my laptop while connected in AP mode?

    Any other possible measures to take?