1.0.3 Available.
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1.0.3 Available.
I'm in the same situation as you.
I think we have to wait.
smarthome-forum.eu/thread/21567/ ZitatNote that the update is rolled out in stages, just few % of devices per week.
Warum eigentlich 0.14.0-rc1 und nicht 1.14.0-rc1?
This appears to be a grading error.
Since yesterday
let number = JSON.parse(string);
I wonder if it would not be the MQTT.setConnectHandler(callback, callback_arg) function that should be used.
But I don't know how to implement it.
If someone from Allterco dropped by and could put an example of using this function on github, that would be great.
LWT? sorry, can you explain please?
Thank to be here.
I would like to make with script a "LWT topic" like "online topic" do.
Is there a way with a script to create a topic with LWT.
This is to monitor a Bluetooth module (Nut) which gives its presence every minute.
let origine = JSON.stringify(Shelly.getDeviceInfo().name);
function scanCB(ev, res) {
if (ev === BLE.Scanner.SCAN_RESULT) {
if (res.local_name === 'nut') {
let topic = 'shellies/script/bluetooth/nut/' + res.addr + '/';
let unixtime = JSON.stringify(Shelly.getComponentStatus("sys").unixtime);
MQTT.publish(topic + 'rssi', JSON.stringify(res.rssi), 0, false);
MQTT.publish(topic + 'unixtime', unixtime, 0, false);
MQTT.publish(topic + 'presence', unixtime, 0, false);
MQTT.publish(topic + 'origine', origine, 0, false);
BLE.Scanner.Start({ duration_ms: -1}, scanCB);
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I doubt those will be added to webhooks
It doesn't matter, thanks to you my problem is now solved.
let topic = 'shellies/plusI4/cmdVR/events/input';
function (event, user_data) {
if (typeof event.info.event !== 'undefined') {
if (event.info.event === 'btn_up') {
MQTT.publish(topic + JSON.stringify(event.info.id), '0', 0, false);
if (event.info.id === 0 || event.info.id === 1) {
//print("VR Nord STOP");
"http.get", {
url: 'http://xxx:xxx@'
function (response, error_code, error_message, ud) { },
if (event.info.id === 2 || event.info.id === 3) {
//print("VR Sud STOP");
"http.get", {
url: 'http://xxx:xxx@'
function (response, error_code, error_message, ud) { },
if (event.info.event === 'long_push') {
MQTT.publish(topic + JSON.stringify(event.info.id), '1', 0, false);
} else {
return true;
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btn_up and btn_down events exist, but cannot be used via Webhooks. But there's still a solution as they can be used via Scripting
Interesting, waiting for it to be added.
Can you please explain me this?
Capture d’écran du 2023-01-18 15-09-13.png
No choice for "Button return to off".
Thanks, I already know that.
All the more reason, it would be nice to be able to do it with the Shelly PLUS including the I4.
The Shelly Plus I4 with firmware 0.12 allow in button configuration to perform the following actions: button push, button long push and button double push.
As part of the button long push, it would be nice to also have button return to off.
You can wake it up manually (set mode) with the reset button or after plugging/unplugging the USB cable
Firmware 0.12.0
It does not go to set mode vhen I plugging/unplugging the USB cable.
Is there another way (mqtt) to go into set mode because having to open the cover each time is cumbersome, especially if the module is connected via USB.
model : SHPLG2-1
Last overpower_value : 153475.86 W
I have the same problem with a circulator pump on my boiler with a power of 50W.
Thanks to Shelly,
This issue is solved with firmware v1.11.8.
Installation on August 4, 2020 with firmware 20200601-122823/v1.7.0@d7961837 Then update with each new firmware until today.
With the latest firmware, I don't know because my heating has been off since april.