Thank you, what do you mean by "to check the cloud dashboard requests in the browser"?
To be more specific, I would like to set the temperature from cloud, but I couldn't find out the command (I only found how to check the status).
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Thank you, what do you mean by "to check the cloud dashboard requests in the browser"?
To be more specific, I would like to set the temperature from cloud, but I couldn't find out the command (I only found how to check the status).
Another question:
Is it possible to control it from the cloud via API like the doc…_api_access.pdf
Thank you
Hi, thank you for the answer. Just a quick note, I am a developer hobbyist, not a standard user.
It is operated with USB power supply and in general it works, but only 5%-10% fo the times, making the external temperature measurement on the Shelly TRV aligned with H&T once every couple of hours, but is random, so not reliable, especially when the heat goes up.
I confirm that every 10 minutes the H&T sends the report, I monitor all the messages in my home network with a developer tool. I configured http://IPyourTRV/ext_t on the H&T and I see that the H&T sends correctly to the Shelly TRV the temperature adding temperature, humidity and the name of the Shelly H&T: http://IPyourTRV/ext_t?hum=43&temp=22.62&id=shellyht-12345A
However, Shelly TRV updates its temperature only few times, like once every 10 measures received.
The strange thing is that the URL http://IPyourTRV/ext_t?hum=43&temp=22.62&id=shellyht-12345A is perfectly working on the Shelly TRV when I send it from curl tool or from web browser on a standard PC.
My conclusion is that there is some parameter in the TCP/IP stack either on the Shelly H&T or in the Shelly TRV that makes the connection lost during transmission.
If you need specific tests with developer tools, please let my know.
Thank you,
Hi, I tested the configuration where H&T sends temperature updates to Shelly TRV, but I have to report a bug: the Shelly doesn't update all the time when H&T sends the temperature update. More specifically, it seems to be a problem only between H&T and TRV, maybe at TCP/IP level, as the URL vs TRV works 100% when sent by a PC and H&T sends the command 100% of the time. I activated a monitoring on my network and the H&T sends the command to the TRV correctly (http://x.y.w.z/ext_t?hum=43&temp=22.62&id=shellyht-12345A) but the temperature is not always updated on the TRV (maybe once every 10 transmission but is random). Could you please analize that fault? The product is great and is the only one in the market with that feature. Thank you!
Hello, both are allowed and working for the current Shelly 1 (version 3). Shelly will detect a connection through the push buttons from its N or from its L port to SW as "active".
When the push button goes to Shelly's N, the power dissipation is somewhat higher during the switch is closed. Thus, for static switches this is not recommended.
Thank you Thomas (t-600)! One question. Do you know why this configuration is not also in the wiring documentation of Shelly 1?
I found that using neutral for SW is only documented in the Shelly Dimmer 2 documentation.
Thank you!