Beiträge von carlos_ddd

    Aus elektrischer Sicht sind die von dir beschriebenen "Tastschalter" allerdings Schalter. Deren Zustand ändert sich nach einem Betätigungsereignis (egal ob umschalten, umlegen, wippen, oder hier drücken&loslassen) dauerhaft. War der Kontakt vorher geöffnet, ist er nun geschlossen oder andersherum.

    Bei einem echten Taster gibt es nur eine kurzzeitige Zustandsänderung, nur für die Dauer der Betätigung. Der Kontakt schließt (Schließer) bzw. öffnet (Öffner) für die Betätigungsdauer.

    In deinem Fall handelt es sich um einen Schalter, der sich von der Betätigung / Betätigungsmechanismus jedoch wie ein Taster anfühlen soll. Elektrisch gesehen (und für das Erdenken der Shelly Logik) ist es aber offensichtlich ein Schalter. Vom Gefühl her ist das -- finde ich -- sehr verwirrend.

    Hi, am new to Shelly Dimmer 2 and I have some problems in understanding the logic of the "Button Type". Unfortunately, the official manual only provides somewhat obvious blah-blah on 4 of the 6 selectable button types, from which I can not determine any exact description of the underlying logic. I am talking v1.11.7. Maybe someone can help me with my questions

    Available button types are (with description as officially provided):

    - One button mode - dimmer is controlled with single switch. What exactly does 'controlled' mean? Like on/off only or dimming (as the word dimmer suggests)? Which one of the two switch-inputs is 'one button' related to? SW1, SW2, either?

    - Dual button mode - dimmer is controlled with dual switch. What is the logical conjunction between SW1 and SW2 input-state with respect to the output (on/off-state ???) now? AND, OR, XOR, NOR or is that intended as a mutliway-switching? Are the switches to be considered as independent, or do they work in conjunction? Is it about on/off only or about dimming-value? Edge related or state-input? Where can I read on that topic?

    - Toggle switch one button - toggle mode with single switch. Could this be described as pulse-mode, where a pulse (rising plus falling edge) trigger a toggle of the output state? If so, is a negative pulse (falling + rising edge) also acceptable?

    - Edge switch - edge on/off mode with single switch. Could this be described as edge-mode, where any edge (either rising or falling) leads to a toggle of the output state?

    - Detached - switch doesn't control dimmer output. We are talking output not being switched on or off by neither SW1 nor SW2, can only be controlled via app/webinteface/URL/MQTT? So can be considered as a Shelly input module like type?

    - Activation switch - use it for motion sensor. Any input turn "ON" and resets Auto OFF timer. What exactly does the term 'Any input' mean? Any state change (rising or falling edge) at the SW-input (again SW1 or SW2, or both or either)?

    Thanks for helping me out with my understanding
