Beiträge von Michael Zanetti

    Also theoretisch schon. Man müsste sich aus dem aktuellen Verbrauch selbst die total consumed/returned Werte ausrechnen. Problem dabei ist die Abtastrate. Da der Shelly ja nur ca alle 5 Sekunden einen Wert raus schreibt, wird der Fehler über die Zeit wohl ziemlich groß werden und somit immer noch erheblich vom Stromzähler des Netzbetreibers abweichen. Ich habs selber aber nicht probiert, je nach Anwendungsfall kommt es vielleicht ja gut genug hin für manche.

    After debugging for a while why the latest Firmware Update partially broke communication via mqtt I figured out that Shelly seems to enforce the cloud on its users now, but even worse, if the device is unknown to the cloud it will roll back to a very old Firmware which lacks features and wont allow upgrading any more without attaching the device to the shelly cloud at least once.

    Hey, I've triggered firmware updates on two of my Shelly Plug-S devices and then noticed that for example wifi signal strength reporting via MQTT stopped working on one of them. Digging into this I'm a bit confused:

    It seems the /info message is never published any more for that one, while it still is for the other. So I compared the firmware versions of the two and the working one is on 20220209-094058/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d while the other one is on 20200309-104506/v1.6.0@43056d58, however it also says that there is no new firmware available.