Beiträge von acmkonings

    I would like to retrofit a standing light, wich consists of 3x12V, 60W halogen lights. The original light is dimmable with a single button on the upright 'pole'. I have photographed the electronics (First picture). The mains go into the middle screwblock, but were removed before taking the picture. I have done a rather messy attempt (second picture) of connecting the wires according to fig. 3 in the manual. The Shelly is intended to be in front of the trafo/dimmer. This contraption will not successfully calibrate. I've also tried shorting the pushbutton contacts (the rightmost two connections).

    My questions are:

    - will this ever work?

    - can the button be operated safely being part of a 220v circuit?

    Who is able and willing to help?