Beiträge von nicbed

    Hi Realpapla

    Thanks your script. I tried your nice program and it works.

    My first attempt it was this

    but it isn't work. Can you explain me please why?

    2021-08-16 23:12:02 - temp: tmp.value hum: 55
    2021-08-16 23:12:07 - temp: tmp.value hum: 55

    My second attempt and it's working, I question directly the shelly's cloud, so:

    $request = file_get_contents($url);
    $json_status = json_decode($request, true);
    $tmp = $json_status['data']['device_status']['tmp']['value'];
    $hum = $json_status['data']['device_status']['hum']['value'];   

    Hi Realpapla
    wonderfull, can you post here your file action.php?
    I don't undestand why my string it isn't good:
    I don't send id=xxxx

    I actually got both temperature andhumudity in the GET message to the server so then I also removed the bat query

    The response looks like this


    Now I'm testing other solution.
    This evening I'm writing the way by

    Hi guy,
    I would like to create a datalogger for record the temperature and humidity data in file log or in a database mysql.
    I had thought about using Shelly HT and the Report URL feature in I / O URL Actions
    I wrote a script in php

    /* Example Report URL */

    Unfortunately, ;(
    the log output recovers only the humidity data, while temperature and battery the variable via GET is not valued (tmp.value and bat.value)

    /* Example Output log*/
    2021-08-15 20:41:58 - temp: tmp.value | hum: 59 | bat: bat.value

    Can anyone help me please and explain me how to write URLs in actions,
    or if there is already a script to read the data stored in the cloud?

    Thanks Nic :thumbup: