OK. 15V / 4096 = 0,0036 V/step.
With 0-30 bar sensor giving 1-5 V output => 7.5 bar/V * 0,0036 V / step = 0,03 bar/step which is more than fine for this application.
OK. 15V / 4096 = 0,0036 V/step.
With 0-30 bar sensor giving 1-5 V output => 7.5 bar/V * 0,0036 V / step = 0,03 bar/step which is more than fine for this application.
are there are specifications on the ADC in Plus Unis? How many bits of measurement?
I'm looking at a solution where I will use 0-5V pressure sensors in the range 0-15 bar and 0-30 bar and I want to make sure I get some decent resolution.
Just want to chime in here since I too am a bit disappointed.
Given the product images the relays sure seems to be dry with L1, L2, L3 and L4 connectors. The unit I received however have only L on all four.
Of course it's my fault not researching everything before purchasing but the documentation is still not available on the product page.
Working now but still no updates to the 20190516-073020/master@ea1b23db firmware the unit shipped with.
Trying to understand why my brand new Plug S:es won't update I see that there are some expired SSL certs in the domain (Dec 4, 2021 at 10:30 UTC), for example Could this be the reason.
With HSTS enabled it's not possible in Chrome to access the site.
Just installed my Dimmer 2 connected to 3*60W incandescent lights, allowed it to calibrate and experienced my first overheating.
Googling and checking the forums I see that everyone suggest setting the Dimming Type to Trailing edge. It was in Leading edge so I set it back to Trailing and other overheat in a couple of minutes.
This led (pun intended) to think about my setup with incandescent lights and after som research I found that Leading edge should be used with "normal" (i.e. non-LED) lights. Changed to Leading edge dimming and now all is fine.
Just wanted to post this in case anyone else here with old lamps.