Beiträge von Mike Pz

Liebe Forumsmitglieder,

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Euer Shelly DACH Team

    That's normal!

    Shely DW goes in sleep-mode to save the battery.

    If there is anything to transmit (Open, Close ...), the shelly wakes up,, connect to your WIFI, send the data and sleep again. ;)

    Welcome to the forum @all of users in this thread. :)

    I have the same problem as the user Bekovan, which however is more complex than what you understood:
    it's true that he was surprised because the DW2 sensors was disappearing from his network, and you correctly explained it with the sensor going in sleep mode.
    However, there was a second more important problem (which Bekovan apparently solved because he didn't write anymore) which is my own: I successfully added the DW2 sensor to the app (with both confirmation from the app and visibility in my network) but when trying to add the sensor to a room previously created, no sensor appear and the list is empty (regardless the sensor is in sleeping mode or awake).
    I repeated the process for two different DW2 sensors and also for a Motion sensor: no one appear in the list of device included in the WiFi network so no one can be added to a room.

    How can I fix the problem?

    Thanks in advance