Beiträge von Wassini

    I'm quite disappointed after I received my Pro4 PM. I thought it was able to control 4 separate phases thus making it possible for me to feed it with 4 separate wires. But all the phases (L) are just shorted. X(

    Not very "pro".

    I have a water heater using three-phase power (3x240V - 11A each) - and I'm not happy using several Shelly 2.5PM....

    Hmm.. Ok - just sharing my frustration...

    Maybe there will be a next generation "Shelly Pro 4PM Plus deLuxe" :rolleyes:

    I'm using more and more Shelly Plugs to measure the consumption of my home, but I need a way to make sure the plug is never turned off.

    It would be nice to have a feature 'Always On' in the setting. This should then keep the plug turned on and disable the option to turn it off - ALSO through the API.

    I'm using more and more Shelly Plugs to measure the consumption of my home, but I need a way to make sure the plug is never turned off.

    It would be nice to have a feature 'Alway On' in the setting. This should then keep the plug turned on and disable the option to turn it off - ALSO through the API.


    Lars Bo