Beiträge von jeremypsl
Is there another way to hard reset ?
I tried everything : if i push the reset button after i pushed the regular button, i get several colors combinations like i said before. If i press the reset button immediatly after powering up the device with usb (with battery off for my tests), i get the dark blue animation but it never appear in my wifi list.
I think it is bricked...
I'm a relatively advanced user of Shelly products (more than 200 in my house), little bit disappointed in that one...
I have a problem with a Shelly Button1.
It disappeared from wifi.
I tried to factory reset it but it didn't work.
Now when i push the reset button, i get weird led scenario : light blue blinking, fast light blue/dark blue blinking, dark blue/green blinking, light blue/dark blue/green blinking.
Don't know what to do...
I don't have docker unfortunatly...
Will see if i can setup it on my Windows Server...
Hum i tried with the w32tm windows service and my Shelly didn't like it...
No one has ever tried to setup a local ntp server ?
I was wondering if it is possible to use a lan ntp server for a 100% local use of Shelly Products ?
After a powerloss they need an internet connection to check ntp and get back time.
I need the time for kWh calculation.
I use firewall to completely restrict access to internet for all my IOT.