I'm using the 2022.4.1 home assistant and the shelly 1 pro I have is not being detected. Do I need to wait for an update? I couldn't really spot anything obvious in recent git history for the shelly addon that would enable those devices. Do I need to enable something?
Beiträge von brendini
I have the exact same issue. It's the only 2.5 I've got as a light switch and the only one (I have 10 others as covers/blinds) and the only weirdly behaving one.
This probably is known but it's not so obvious. When setting a custom prefix on a gen1 device you still keep the old 'shellies/' prefix. On a gen2 device however the prefix is completely customizable. I'm not sure if good practice is then to seperate between shellies and shellies2? At least that's what I'll do.
Will this change at some point in the future?
Got an answer from a very kind member on HASS forums - https://community.home-assistant.io/t/shelly-gen-2…ing-mqtt/347979
Hoping this helps someone else!
After a bit of playing with the MQTT API, I'm struggling to understand why the new API is forcing everything through the rpc channel? But I think I got it working:
Note I have a custom MQTT prefix so in this case shelly/ug/light.
This turns the light on:
Codemosquitto_pub -h mosquitto.server.lan -t 'shelly/ug/light/rpc' -m '{"id":1, "src":"user_1", "method":"Switch.Set", "params":{"id":0, "on":true}}'
and I get the return on the topic 'user_1'.
So far things aren't so bad. But how are people hooking this into homeassistant? Previously with the topics exposed it was really easy to do so but now it will require quite some extra parsing. I figure it's not that tough but if someone has it already....
my plus 1 device shipped with 0.7.0 but you seem to only be able to update it by giving it net access and then it finds 0.9.1, would be good to have an offline update method.