Beiträge von Indecision
Current clamps for Shelly 3EM are equipped with a 4-pin connector, whilst clamps for Shelly EM have bare wire ends. IIRC, both types are not interchangeable.
Thank you for your reply
Are you saying that I have been shipped the wrong device?
Hi All,
I have bought this from shelly UK
Do I need an extra accessory to plug the 4-pin connector into the EM device?
I am tempted to just cut it off, strip the wires and connect direct to the Shelly EM, but I guess it is there for a reason!?
There is no socket for this plug on the device I received.
FYI, I am fairly familiar with Shelly devices, I have several Shelly 1, 1PM and Shelly Dimmer 2 successfully installed.
[Blockierte Grafik:]
I have tried searching but found no relevant info on either google or on this forum's search tool