Beiträge von Larry Marshall

    I am a total beginner. I navigated to Shelly Motion IP and changed it to fit my LAN.

    In the timezone area, I disabled auto detect. The dropdown is set for America/Denver. I changed it to America/Los Angeles and clicked the save button. The dropdown immediately changes back to the original America/Denver value.

    I also tried to update the firmware. Firmware Update says:

    Current version: 20211004-105639/v2.0.2@7eba4128
    New version: 20211026-072015/v2.0.3@1dfb9313

    From the DEVICE INFO tab:

    Device ID: 60A42393552C (106258087761196)
    WiFi connected to SSID: abc
    WiFi RSSI: -48 dBm

    After I press the UPDATE FIRMWARE VERSION button and wait a long while, the above message still remains, as if no update had occurred.

    How can I correct these issues?