Thanks for responding thgoebel
Looking online this is the fan -…ble-timer-white
The voltage is 230v and 8W.
Does that help?
Thanks again, Joe
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Thanks for responding thgoebel
Looking online this is the fan -…ble-timer-white
The voltage is 230v and 8W.
Does that help?
Thanks again, Joe
Good morning. Sorry if this has been asked before but I was unable to find the answer with a Google search or on the forums.
I'm hoping I can use a Shell Plus 1 (the blue one) to control an extractor fan - the idea is to switch the fan off after a couple of minutes of a Hue bulb being switched off (I'll be using NodeRed / HomeAssistant to do that).
The problem I'm having is the L1 / L2 (live and switched live) are confusing me - it doesn't take much.
This is the back of the isolator switch which connects to a wall switch, light and fan. I have worked out that the bottom wires in the picture are from the wall switch and the top wires go on to the fan. I have also worked out L2 is the switched live and brown in this case is live with grey being the natural.
I have connected the L1 (live) and grey (neutral) from the bottom of the switch to the L and N of the shelly - I have tried many, many combinations for the remaining wires but still cannot get the Shelly to power on and off the fan. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?
Thanks very much in advance