Beiträge von shHarry


    bei 2 Shelly Plus 1 wollte ich folgende Funktion: Kurzer Taster-Druck aktiviert (toggelt) Licht, das am Plus 1 hängt, langer Druck aktiviert anders Licht (=anderen Shelly), Firmware 1.0.8 stable.

    Dafür würde ich Eingang als deatched einstellen, da ich annehme, er schaltet somit nicht "direkt" den Relaisausgang und bei Short Push als Aktion die URL dieses Shellys mit toggle triggern. Das tun aber beide nicht!? Der lange Tastendruck, mit URL für toggle eines anderen Shelly funktioniert hingegen.

    Ich kann nun aber nicht Button (statt detached) wählen, was für den direkt angeschlossenen Plus 1 dann funktioniert, denn wenn ich nun doppelt oder langen Druck (für entfernten Shelly) aktivieren will, schaltet er auch immer den direkten Shelly mit!

    Ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher, aber ich denke bei einem Plus 1 ging es für einige Zeit so, dass ich detached wählte und für kurzen Druck den externen Shelly triggern konnte und mit langem den direkten (im detached Mode). Aber auch hier geht der kurze Druck nicht mehr.

    Bei detached werden meinen kurzen Pushes nicht (mehr) verarbeitet, besonders nicht am direkt verbundenen Plus 1.

    Danke für Tipps!

    I have some BLU buttons. I have a lot of Shellys.

    I wrote some scripts for BLU buttons in several places an saved them on some Shellys. Now I do not remember on which?!

    Is there a way to find and show all Shellys that have a script saved on it? (The normal filters under all devices in web app do not offer such filter)

    Or is there a way to read somehow/somewhere in the app (or the BLE app) the IP of the triggered script?


    I replaced the Shelly Door/Window 2 (Wifi) with the BLU Door/Window (Bluetooth only) for my garage doors. I integrated them in Home Assistant via BTHome.

    It often does not update in Home Assistant! In Shelly App it shows it status correctly tho.

    Is there anything I can do? Are there some settings (in Shelly or BTHome/Home Assistant)?

    I remember that for the previous Door/Window 2 CoIoT must have been enabled and for Gen. 2 devices outbound websocket. Any similar tricks for the BLU Door/Window?

    Somehow I have no luck with my garage doors Shelly sensors. None of them work accurately.

    Thanks for any hints!

    Home Assistant


    1) I thought that once the Shelly Blu Button1 has been integrated in the Shelly App, that Home Assistant would find it as well. I believe I am wrong as it does not show in HA.

    Is it the case, that I need some Bluetooth device and have to install BTHome, so that HA can directly work with the Blu Button? If yes, what BT device would I need as I run HA in a Virtualbox guest machine on a Windows 10 host?

    2) Or, what I also would like to try: Can I send a http request or http command (whatever the correct term is) from a Shelly script to HA that would trigger an automation. If so, code examples or directions would help a lot.

    Btw, I also ordered some Blu Door/Window devices, that I would need to integrate into Home Assistant as well.
    Within my Shelly setup I got the Blu Button to work via a script (but HA integeration is where I struggle).


    Hi, as more and more people use Mesh WiFi networks, meaning several routers in one household, it would be needed that we get an option to "release" a "binding to a certain router" in the settings and that the Shelly device is forced to establish a new connection to the (nearest) router with the strongest signal.

    Currently, many Shelly devices in my setup are connected to far away (Mesh) routers causing connection problems from time to time. Which would not happen, if connected to the nearest and strongest router, I assume.

    So far, I found no reasonable trick (or non at all) to force a Shelly to change to another router (eero Pro 6 in my case). Shelly devices seem to remember (not only the WiFi network, which they should) but also the particular router if there are several of them, like in a Mesh network. Even if rebooted, I believe.

    Thank you!

    P.S.: If you as a Shelly user too are interested in such a feature, you might want consider seconding my feature request, thanks!

    My first contact with Shelly and first product of many others ordered.

    Could find and bind the button, set fixed IP, updated FW.

    Now in cloud app under DISCOVERED DEVICES the button is shown an after I hit ADD DEVICE I can enter name, room, etc.

    But selecting DONE always gives me something like „device might be sleeping“.

    I have put it on a power supply, it blinks blue, even pressing the button before or while trying to finialie it via DONE button always gives me this rejection.

    Tried it on Android and IOS app. Same issue.

    Thanks for hints!