Beiträge von jockebq
Found this code, but I am not sure how to implement this on a Shelly Plus 2PM to switch on the other channel?:
BeitragRE: Power draw controlled switch
Hello Flytrapp,
yah thats possible, here is a Script for this:
(Quelltext, 125 Zeilen)
Instructions (only in German sry) More Infos about Shelly.Call():…ures#shellycall_[Deleted]_2. Dezember 2023 um 00:22 Code
Alles anzeigen//Config __There is a Maximum of 5 Channels/Devices__ var debug= false; //Create Debug output var configON= { //Device Name and Channel als Key --> 'switch:0', Value als Shelly.Call Array. called: [], //Called Variabel to reduce useless Calls powerLimit: 2, //Limit in Watt, power needs to be > Limit for sending a Call powerTime: 1, //Time in seconds, how long the power needs to be over the powerLimit, before sending a call 'switch:0': ['HTTP.GET',{url:''},null,null,debug], } var configOFF= { //Device Name and Channel als Key --> 'switch:0', Value als Shelly.Call Array. called: [], //Called Variabel to reduce useless Calls powerLimit: 2, //Limit in Watt, power needs to be <= Limit for sending a Call powerTime: 1, //Time in seconds, how long the power needs to be over the powerLimit, before sending a call 'switch:0': ['HTTP.GET',{url:''},null,null,debug], } var tHandel= []; //global Variabl function Clear_Timer(id){ Timer.clear(tHandel[id]); //Reset Timer tHandel[id]= 0; return id; } function DoCall(device,id,map){ //Do call try{ map.called[id]= true; tHandel[id]= 0; //Reset Timer Handel Call(map[device][0],map[device][1],map[device][2],map[device][3],map[device][4]); }catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'DoCall()');} } function CheckPower(d){ try{ let r= Efilter(d,{device:Object.keys(configON), filterKey:['apower','id','component','state']},0); //Filter event data if(r && r.state === false){ //Switch off if switch is off configON.called[]= false; Clear_Timer(; tHandel[]= Timer.set(1000*configOFF.powerTime,false,function(){DoCall(r.component,, configOFF)}); //Delayed Call } if(!r || !Str(r.apower)) return; //Exit if usless data if(r.apower > configON.powerLimit && !configON.called[]){ //Check if over Powerlimit configOFF.called[]= false; Clear_Timer(; tHandel[]= Timer.set(1000*configON.powerTime,false,function(){DoCall(r.component,, configON)}); //Delayed Call } if(r.apower <= configOFF.powerLimit && !configOFF.called[]){ //Check if under Powerlimit configON.called[]= false; Clear_Timer(; tHandel[]= Timer.set(1000*configOFF.powerTime,false,function(){DoCall(r.component,, configOFF)}); //Delayed Call } if(debug) print('Debug: found Event\n',r,'\nDebug:',r.component,'Timer activ:',tHandel[]>0,'\nDebug: called ON:',configON.called[],', OFF:',configOFF.called[]); //Debug output }catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'CheckPower()');} } function Main(){ //Main Code try{ let fakeEvents= {}; for(e in configON){ //Create Fake Power Event for Restart if(Cut(e,':')){ let deviceType= Cut(e,':',0,true); //Getting Device Type let channelID= Number(Cut(e,':',':')) //Getting Channel ID fakeEvents[e]= {info: {}}; //Create fake power Event fakeEvents[e].info.component= e; fakeEvents[e] channelID; fakeEvents[e].info.apower= Status(deviceType,channelID).apower; } } for(e of fakeEvents){ CheckPower(e); //Send fake Power Event } }catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Creating Fake Power Event');} fakeEvents= 0; //Delete useless Data Shelly.addEventHandler(CheckPower); //Add EventHandler with Asyn CallBack } // Dekats Toolbox, a universal Toolbox for Shelly scripts function Efilter(d,p,deBug) { //Event Filter, d=eventdata, p={device:[], filterKey:[], filterValue:[], noInfo:true, inData:true}->optional_parameter try{ let fR= {}; if(p.noInfo){fR= d; d= {}; fR; fR= {};} if(p.inData &&{; delete;} if(! fR.useless= true; if(p.device && p.device.length > 0 && p.device.indexOf( === -1) fR.useless= true; if(p.device && p.device.length > 0 && !fR.useless && !p.filterKey && !p.filterValue) fR=; if(p.filterKey && !fR.useless) for(f of p.filterKey) for(k in if(f === k) fR[k]=[k]; if(p.filterValue && !fR.useless) for(f of p.filterValue) for(v of if(Str(v) && f === v) fR[Str(v)]= v; if(deBug) print('\nDebug: EventData-> ', d, '\n\nDebug: Result-> ', fR, '\n'); if(Str(fR) === '{}' || fR.useless){return;} return fR;}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Efilter()');}} function ErrorChk(r,e,m,d){ // error check try{ aC--; if(aC<0) aC= 0; if(d.CB && d.uD) d.CB(r,d.uD); if(d.CB && !d.uD) d.CB(r); if(!d.CB && d.uD) print('Debug: ',d.uD); if(e) throw new Error(Str(m)); if(Str(r) && Str(r.code) && r.code !== 200) throw new Error(Str(r)); }catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'ErrorChk(), call Answer');}} function Cqueue(){ // queue try{ if(!cCache[0] && !nCall[0]) return; if(!nCall[0]){nCall= cCache[0]; cCache.splice(0,1);} if(nCall[0] && aC < callLimit){Call(nCall[0],nCall[1],nCall[2],nCall[3],nCall[4]); nCall= [];} if((nCall[0] || cCache[0]) && !tH7) tH7= Timer.set(1000*cSp,0,function(){tH7= 0; Cqueue();});}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Cqueue()');}} function Call(m,p,CB,uD,deBug){ //Upgrade try{ let d= {}; if(deBug) print('Debug: calling:',m,p); if(CB) d.CB= CB; if(Str(uD)) d.uD= uD; if(!m && CB){CB(uD); return;} if(aC < callLimit){aC++;,p,ErrorChk,d);}else if(cCache.length < cacheLimit){ cCache.push([m,p,CB,uD,deBug]); if(deBug) print('Debug: save call:',m,p,', call queue now:',cCache.length); Cqueue(); }else{throw new Error('to many Calls in use, droping call: '+Str(m)+', '+Str(p));}}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Call()');}} function Str(d){ //Upgrade JSON.stringify try{ if(d === null || d === undefined) return null; if(typeof d === 'string')return d; return JSON.stringify(d);}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Str()');}} function Cut(f,k,o,i){ //Upgrade slice f=fullData, k=key-> where to cut, o=offset->offset behind key, i=invertCut try{ let s= f.indexOf(k); if(s === -1) return; if(o) s= s+o.length || s+o; if(i) return f.slice(0,s); return f.slice(s);}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Cut()');}} function Setup(l){ //Wating 2sek, to avoid a Shelly FW Bug try{ if(Main && !tH9){tH9= Timer.set(2000,l,function(){print('\nStatus: started Script _[', scriptN,']_'); if(callLimit > 5){callLimit= 5;} try{Main();}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Main()'); Setup();}});}}catch(e){ErrorMsg(e,'Setup()');}} function ErrorMsg(e,s){ //Toolbox formatted Error Msg try{ let i= 0; if(Cut(e.message, '-104: Timed out')) i= 'wrong URL or device may be offline'; if(s === 'Main()') i= e.stack; if(Cut(e.message, '"Main" is not')) i= 'define a Main() function before using Setup()'; print('Error:',s || "",'---> ',e.type,e.message); if(i) print('Info: maybe -->',i);}catch(e){print('Error: ErrorMsg() --->',e);}} var tH7= 0, tH8= 0, tH9= 0, aC= 0, cCache= [], nCall= [], callLimit= 4, cacheLimit= 40, cSp= 0.2; //Toolbox global variable var Status= Shelly.getComponentStatus, Config= Shelly.getComponentConfig; //Renamed native function var info= Shelly.getDeviceInfo(), scriptID= Shelly.getCurrentScriptId(), scriptN= Config('script',scriptID).name; //Pseudo const, variabel //Toolbox v2.5-Alpha(cut), Shelly FW >1.0.8 Setup();
New to scripting with the Shelly's, and I am trying to create a solution to turn on fans in a cabinet housing my receiver when the receiver is turned on.
How do I create a script which monitors channel 1 power draw (which should always be turned on, is it possible to set one channel to default to on even after power outage)?
When the power draw of channel 1 is above a limit it should turn on channel 2, and when the power draw is below a limit it should turn off channel 2?How do I script this?
Thank you! -
I got maybe 20 different Shelly's, 1's, PM and Dimmer.
They are mostly working great.
I have two new Dimmer 2 which is connected to power and a momentary switch. However, these two Dimmer 2 are not hooked up to any lights yet. When I turn them on, they automatically switch off after 5 seconds.
Is this normal because there are no load on the Dimmer 2?
I have not set them up to automatically switch off.
Just want to confirm if there's an issue or not.
I have 2 Shelly Dimmers, one connected to a regular LED bulb and the other to 3 LED downlights (with built in trafo, dimmable).
I tried setting them to Leading edge, then calibrating and then Trailing edge. They worked fine on Leading edge. But after testing Trailing edge and going back to Leading edge (after a factory reset) I am having trouble with the physical switch.
It doesn't register every input on the switch. But it worked before, and it registers every time in the app.
Is this a bug?
I am going to install 2 Shelly Dimmers in my bedroom, one is for the lights in the bedroom, and the other is for the walk-in-closet.
By the entrance of the bedroom there will be a double momentary switch, which controls both the light in the bedroom and the other button controls the light in the walk-in-closet. Additionally it will be another switch in the walk in closet (single momentary) which also controls the light in the walk in closet. How do I connect the Shelly dimmer to allow two buttons to control the same light.
Both are momentary switches, so there should be no issues right?
Made a simple sketch, but I don't know how to connect it.
Hello jockebq
I did not get your idea exactly.
Do you already have a switch in front of the socket you want to supply with a Shelly?
If yes you could install the Shelly direct behind this switch, put the output of the switch to the "SW" of the Shelly 1 and connect the cable what is going to the socket to the "O" (output) of the Shelly.
Then you can control the socket by either the existing switch and additional remote via Smartphone.
Thank you! Sorry, the explanation was a bit confusing.
I have a outdoor wall socket, and beside that there is a switch. Check the attached picture.
I mainly want to use the wall socket for my car heater, and that way I need to be able to control it with the Shelly app. But I also want to be able to use the socket with power washers and stuff like that, and at those times I want to be able to turn the switch on with the button on the side. But the switch cannot cut the power to the Shelly 1 right? Because that will turn it off and hinder the ability to turn it on with the app?
I want to control my car heater with my Shelly 1. And I have one outlet by my car, which I want to install a switch to. But I want to be able to activate this outlet with either the Shelly 1 or the physical switch. Is it possible? Because I cannot wire up the switch to cut power to the Shelly, then I won't be able to remotely activate it with the switch on the wall?
How do I wire this?
Thank you!