I was having exactly the same problem with a Shelly Plug S:
I was sending a POST to the endpoint:
and I was getting back the error "wrong_channel": "Could not control this relay channel!"
The problem is that the webservice method allows the get parameters in the URL (auth_key and id), but the command parameters must go on the POST body.
So to solve the problem, you just need to:
send a POST to the endpoint using the auth_key and id parameters: "https://shelly-xx-eu.shelly.cloud/device/relay/c…_key=xxx&id=yyy"
and send in the body, a TEXT with the parameters: "&channel=0&turn=on".
Or, in alternative, simply send a POST to the endpoint without any parameter and all parameters in the POST BODY - i.e.:
Endpoint: "https://shelly-xx-eu.shelly.cloud/device/relay/control/"
Body: "auth_key=xxx&id=yyy&channel=0&turn=on"
Hope this is useful for others .
Thank you!