Beiträge von RalphSchaefer

    Hallo Ich habe Dein Script aus #20 genommen und die MAC geändert (ich weiss leider nicht wo ich die Console einstellen oder starten kann) :


    * This script uses the BLE scan functionality in scripting

    * Selects Shelly BLU Buttons from the aired advertisements, decodes

    * the service data payload and toggles a relay on the device on

    * button push


    // Shelly BLU devices:

    // SBBT - Shelly BLU Button

    // SBDW - Shelly BLU DoorWindow

    // BTHome data format:

    // sample Shelly DW service_data payload

    // 0x40 0x00 0x4E 0x01 0x64 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x2D 0x01 0x3F 0x00 0x00

    // First byte: BTHome device info, 0x40 - no encryption, BTHome v.2

    // bit 0: “Encryption flag”

    // bit 1-4: “Reserved for future use”

    // bit 5-7: “BTHome Version”

    // AD 0: PID, 0x00

    // Value: 0x4E

    // AD 1: Battery, 0x01

    // Value, 100%

    // AD 2: Illuminance, 0x05

    // Value: 0

    // AD 3: Window, 0x2D

    // Value: true, open

    // AD 4: Rotation, 0x3F

    // Value: 0

    // Device name can be obtained if an active scan is performed

    // You can rely only on the address filtering and forego device name matching


    function onButtonPress(BTHparsed) {

    print("Button pressed, emitting event");"Switch.Set", {id:08b61fd11f38, on:true});

    Shelly.emitEvent("BLU_BUTTON", {

    addr: BTHparsed.addr,

    rssi: BTHparsed.rssi,

    Button: BTHparsed.Button,

    Battery: BTHparsed.Battery,



    // remove name prefix to not filter by device name

    // remove address to not filter by address

    // filtering early by address or device name allows for faster execution

    // actions is an array objects containing condition and action property

    // conditions would be checked for equality against the parsed advertisement packet

    // e.g. if there is an addr property in condition and it matches the value of addr property

    // in BTH parsed object then the condition is true

    let CONFIG = {

    shelly_blu_name_prefix: "SBBT",

    //shelly_blu_address: "bc:02:6e:c3:c8:b9",

    actions: [


    cond: {

    addr: "3c:2e:f5:6e:b2:29",

    Button: 1,


    action: onButtonPress,



    cond: {

    addr: "b4:35:22:fe:47:8a",

    Button: 1,


    action: onButtonPress,





    let ALLTERCO_MFD_ID_STR = "0ba9";

    let BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR = "fcd2";


    let ACTIVE_SCAN =

    typeof CONFIG.shelly_blu_name_prefix !== "undefined" &&

    CONFIG.shelly_blu_name_prefix !== null;

    let uint8 = 0;

    let int8 = 1;

    let uint16 = 2;

    let int16 = 3;

    let uint24 = 4;

    let int24 = 5;

    function getByteSize(type) {

    if (type === uint8 || type === int8) return 1;

    if (type === uint16 || type === int16) return 2;

    if (type === uint24 || type === int24) return 3;

    //impossible as advertisements are much smaller;

    return 255;


    let BTH = [];

    BTH[0x00] = { n: "pid", t: uint8 };

    BTH[0x01] = { n: "Battery", t: uint8, u: "%" };

    BTH[0x05] = { n: "Illuminance", t: uint24, f: 0.01 };

    BTH[0x1a] = { n: "Door", t: uint8 };

    BTH[0x20] = { n: "Moisture", t: uint8 };

    BTH[0x2d] = { n: "Window", t: uint8 };

    BTH[0x3a] = { n: "Button", t: uint8 };

    BTH[0x3f] = { n: "Rotation", t: int16, f: 0.1 };

    let BTHomeDecoder = {

    utoi: function (num, bitsz) {

    let mask = 1 << (bitsz - 1);

    return num & mask ? num - (1 << bitsz) : num;


    getUInt8: function (buffer) {



    getInt8: function (buffer) {

    return this.utoi(this.getUInt8(buffer), 8);


    getUInt16LE: function (buffer) {

    return 0xffff & (( << 8) |;


    getInt16LE: function (buffer) {

    return this.utoi(this.getUInt16LE(buffer), 16);


    getUInt24LE: function (buffer) {

    return (

    0x00ffffff & (( << 16) | ( << 8) |



    getInt24LE: function (buffer) {

    return this.utoi(this.getUInt24LE(buffer), 24);


    getBufValue: function (type, buffer) {

    if (buffer.length < getByteSize(type)) return null;

    let res = null;

    if (type === uint8) res = this.getUInt8(buffer);

    if (type === int8) res = this.getInt8(buffer);

    if (type === uint16) res = this.getUInt16LE(buffer);

    if (type === int16) res = this.getInt16LE(buffer);

    if (type === uint24) res = this.getUInt24LE(buffer);

    if (type === int24) res = this.getInt24LE(buffer);

    return res;


    unpack: function (buffer) {

    // beacons might not provide BTH service data

    if (typeof buffer !== "string" || buffer.length === 0) return null;

    let result = {};

    let _dib =;

    result["encryption"] = _dib & 0x1 ? true : false;

    result["BTHome_version"] = _dib >> 5;

    if (result["BTHome_version"] !== 2) return null;

    //Can not handle encrypted data

    if (result["encryption"]) return result;

    buffer = buffer.slice(1);

    let _bth;

    let _value;

    while (buffer.length > 0) {

    _bth = BTH[];

    if (typeof _bth === "undefined") {

    console.log("BTH: unknown type");



    buffer = buffer.slice(1);

    _value = this.getBufValue(_bth.t, buffer);

    if (_value === null) break;

    if (typeof _bth.f !== "undefined") _value = _value * _bth.f;

    result[_bth.n] = _value;

    buffer = buffer.slice(getByteSize(_bth.t));


    return result;



    let ShellyBLUParser = {

    getData: function (res) {

    let result = BTHomeDecoder.unpack(res.service_data[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR]);

    result.addr = res.addr;

    result.rssi = res.rssi;

    return result;



    let last_packet_id = 0x100;

    function scanCB(ev, res) {

    if (ev !== BLE.Scanner.SCAN_RESULT) return;

    // skip if there is no service_data member

    if (

    typeof res.service_data === "undefined" ||

    typeof res.service_data[BTHOME_SVC_ID_STR] === "undefined"



    // skip if we are looking for name match but don't have active scan as we don't have name

    if (

    typeof CONFIG.shelly_blu_name_prefix !== "undefined" &&

    (typeof res.local_name === "undefined" ||

    res.local_name.indexOf(CONFIG.shelly_blu_name_prefix) !== 0)



    // skip if we don't have address match

    if (

    typeof CONFIG.shelly_blu_address !== "undefined" &&

    CONFIG.shelly_blu_address !== res.addr



    let BTHparsed = ShellyBLUParser.getData(res);

    // skip if parsing failed

    if (BTHparsed === null) {

    console.log("Failed to parse BTH data");



    // skip, we are deduping results

    if (last_packet_id === return;

    last_packet_id =;

    console.log("Shelly BTH packet: ", JSON.stringify(BTHparsed));

    // execute actions from CONFIG

    let aIdx = null;

    for (aIdx in CONFIG.actions) {

    // skip if no condition defined

    if (typeof CONFIG.actions[aIdx]["cond"] === "undefined") continue;

    let cond = CONFIG.actions[aIdx]["cond"];

    let cIdx = null;

    let run = true;

    for (cIdx in cond) {

    if (typeof BTHparsed[cIdx] === "undefined") run = false;

    if (BTHparsed[cIdx] !== cond[cIdx]) run = false;


    // if all conditions evaluated to true then execute

    if (run) CONFIG.actions[aIdx]["action"](BTHparsed);



    // retry several times to start the scanner if script was started before

    // BLE infrastructure was up in the Shelly

    function startBLEScan() {

    let bleScanSuccess = BLE.Scanner.Start({ duration_ms: SCAN_DURATION, active: ACTIVE_SCAN }, scanCB);

    if( bleScanSuccess === false ) {

    Timer.set(1000, false, startBLEScan);

    } else {

    console.log('Success: BLU button scanner running');



    //Check for BLE config and print a message if BLE is not enabled on the device

    let BLEConfig = Shelly.getComponentConfig('ble');

    if(BLEConfig.enable === false) {

    console.log('Error: BLE not enabled');

    } else {

    Timer.set(1000, false, startBLEScan);


    Hallo, ich versuche mich auch gerade in einer Kastanwagenalarmanlage. Mit mehreren Blu Door Window Sensoren schalte ich einen shelly plus 1, der das Siganl an einen ESP32 gibt der für die Alarmgebung zuständig ist. Leider bekomme ich es nicht hin das der Blu Button per script einen plus 1 schaltet. Das Script in der Bibiolothek funktioniert, im gegensatz zum script für den Blu Door/Window, nicht.