Beiträge von Shellhammer

    Hi all,

    I wonder if there is a way to change the button type (one, dual, edge, detached) from Home Assistant, e.g. using an automation.

    Reason I am asking is because I had thought off a funny idea in case anybody decided to break into my house.

    I was thinking of switching on all lights that are controlled by Shellies as soon as e.g. a door sensor gets triggered. Once all the lights are on (and maybe some more things like all Squeezeboxes playing some welcome message for the intruder) I would then like to deactive the funtionality of the light switches by setting them to DETACHED. :S

    My natural behavior as a burglar would be to try to switch off the lights as quickly as possible but if non of the buttons work that must be frustrating and at least at night might not be so helpful to search through the house in peace. :cursing:

    Would that be possible?

