Used common sense, it's 36Vp. Need to find a suitable relay now
Beiträge von Nicco
LOL, I just remembered that I'm measuring Vrms; I Almost fried the uni. It's actually about ~50Vpeak
Is it 36VAC (Vrms) or (Vpeak)?
I'm guessing you need to use node-red for this
Thanks! I did some testing and its voltage is 30vac, but of course, that won't remain constant. I think the UNI will work, maybe on a bad day, the diodes might conduct. I will take the risk.
Hello guys, I'm wondering if i could use a Shelly uni for my gate opener. I'm a little confused; on knowledge base, it says UNI can support up to 24vac as output, but on product page/store it says 36vac. The voltage I need switched is 24~36vac peak. Can't I use it anyways since it will be switched for about 500ms?