Beiträge von mrblwd-058

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    Hi, it look like I have the same problem. I'm struggling for hours now to get it stable.


    - Straight network with 1 single LAN for all devices

    - 3 TP-Link AP controlled by Omada

    - PFsense firewall (no firewall for internal traffic)

    A ping to the Shelly 1 is stable but the Web interface is refusing all the time. It's a hell of a job to edit some settings cause the connection is already gone. Strange enough, the connections trough the REST-API (from Home Assistant) are going fine.

    What I tried

    - Static IP / Reservation / Dynamic IP

    - Disable Fast roaming and 5ghz from the AP's

    - Disabled "require login" to shelly.

    - Disabled Home Assistant integration

    - Signal to AP is fine

    - Tried the setting "Enable CoIoT peer " the the Home assistant appliance to enable unicast communication between the two of them.

    I even can't rollback the firmware cause the web interface is already timed out before I can start the process. I really don't know what to do anymore to get the web interface stable. Any idea's?